Saturday, August 8, 2009


Since my last interaction with this site I've put together about twenty-five rough drafts of new posts that I've failed to finish or find worthy of submission. The majority of these were philosophical in nature, and I am not confident in my capacity as a writer to push some of my points across with my present level of linguistical aptitude. While video games should be related to a reader using simple language and subjective analysis, an attempt at conveying a philosophy or ideology requires a great deal of care and careful crafting. My own personal research in the field of philosophy is limited insofar as I have spent the majority of my meditation without the aid of references outside of my own experiences. The path I have traveled throughout my life has lead me to a very unforgiving kind of objectivist point of view, and I cannot, at present, seem to rationalize a method or manor which would allow me to construct a system of beliefs on a world that does not adhere to any fundamental guiding principles or laws of causality; as such, I am also a determinist. Although I do feel that one of these perspectives follows quite logically from the other, both of these perspectives are independently unpopular and are often argued on their own merits.

Although I am not entirely satisfied with my talents as a writer I am going to make an effort to convey my personal system of beliefs through this website. If anything, this blog will allow me to channel some of my thought process into something a little more comprehensible than the rambling I communicate to my friends with regular frequency. I'll try to break my ideas down into pieces and present them one at a time. Vocabulary may be an issue here, as the articulation of abstract concepts like morality and justice is complicated. Even if I were to express myself using the diction most appropriate and effective for the conveyance of my perspective on the issues, a reader might end up spending more time scratching his way through textbooks and wikipedia pages trying to decipher my explanations than he would spend simply reading his way through them. I intend to go a little bit heavy-handed with a number of analogies in order to simplify a number of the concepts I'll cover, and it is important to understand that the function of the analogies begin and end with their author. If I state, "People are like ants... They move in large numbers, bustling here and there, supplying nutrients for a society that provides them with life," I am not arguing that people dig tunnels in the ground and lay down chemical trails leading other humans to food sources.

I am passionate about philosophy, and I'm excited to see what I'll work out over the coming weeks. Contrary to the beliefs of some of those who might consider themselves more 'intellectual' than myself I do tend to change my mind on smaller issues with relative frequency, and I've been known to make larger personal revelations from time to time when I've identified an error in my own reasoning while providing an exposition in conversation. Perhaps I'll learn something more about myself, or clear up a few of my own viewpoints as I take the effort to plant these ideas down in writing. I suppose we'll see as we go. I'll keep it as organized as I can manage.

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